This daytime game show debuted along with two other daytime shows, The Young & The Restless & The $10,000 Pyramid, both on CBS. Three contestants competed in this short lived game, trying to identify what the stars are talking about through interview clips. Clips started @ $150 & went down $50 per 15 seconds. The first player to reach $250 won the game & played the bonus round, "Short Subjects" for cash & prizes. Contestants stayed until defeated or reached the CBS winnings limit of $25,000! The game show that replaced this short lived Barry-Enright game, Match Game '73! TRIVIA: For the pilot episode, Barry & Enright considered Betty White hosting this show. However, she would have to wait 10 years for Just Men! while daytime viewers waited for a femcee when Sarah Purcell hosted The Better Sex in 1977. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here