Mischief City is a new animated series currently airing on YTV in Canada! This show is based on a book called Mischief City! Mischief City is a wacky place where eight-year-old Winchell Adams often finds himself face-to-face with break dancing penguins on an expidition to get to the top of Cheeseburger Mountain! You may also find him aboard a ship to the planet of man-eating dust bunnies! All this as well as trying to keep an eye out for jive-talking trash creatures! Character Bios
Winchell - A eight-year-old kid who goes to Mischief City when he is troubled.
Maxine - Winchell's best friend. Maxine accompanies Winchell in his adventures in Mischief City.
Mr. Cube - One of the monsters, Cube eats almost anything he sees, yet sometimes, when Maxine & Winchell are in danger, he & Hey Hey usually saves Maxine & Winchell.
Hey Hey - Another of the monsters, Hey Hey is usually one that jumps into any sit
Actors: Adrian Truss, Austin Di Iulio, Peter Oldring, Peter Kalaghan, Linda Ballantyna, Annick Obansawin, John Stacker