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Watch The Larry Sanders Show online: Episode 7 Office Romance

After finding her waiting for a cab, Larry offers Darlene a ride home from the studio. But when he agrees to stop at Hank's restaurant to drop off a pair of glasses, Larry discovers his innocent good deed being viewed with suspicion by his sidekick. Then, despite Arthur's bet that he is in for trouble and Beverly's warning against a romance with someone on the staff, Larry is caught kissing Darlene in the elevator. Having heard about the elevator incident, Hank immediately tuns to Darlene to find out what Larry thinks of him. Then, as Arthur delights in the knowledge that he is about to win their bet, Phil complains to Darlene about her dating Larry, especially since that have secretly been going out for a month. So, as Larry learns about him and Darlene, Phil decides to retaliate by asking Paula to dinner. When Darlene accuses Phil of pursuing a date with Paula simply as revenge, Paula discovers that Phil has been seeing Darlene and their interlocking relationships begin to wreck havoc among the staff. However, after Larry ends their buffing romance, Darlene is shocked when Hank reveals that something similar happened a year ago with Beverly. Finally, after collecting on his bet as everyone is preparing to leave for the annual staff retreat, Arthur and Beverly disagree on whether to resume their own clandestine affair.

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