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Watch The Larry Sanders Show online: Episode 10 Party

During a visit to the set, Larry's wife Jeannie invites Arthur and his wife over to their home for dinner the following night. Taken aback by the offer, Arthur asks for some time to consult with Elaine, mindful of the fact that Larry and Jeannie have never once invited them over to their home. Larry insists it will be in reality, he is really uncomfortable with the thought of entertaining Arthur and Elaine, he asks Beverly over for dinner as well to diffuse the tension. When Beverly bows out of their women's group meeting because of the dinner, Paula and Darlene are convinced it is because she is getting promoted. Told about the party, Hank begs Larry for an invitation, and then insists that Darlene come along, too. After cornering Larry in his office to complain about Beverly's "promotion," Larry is forced to invite Paula, and while warning Hank against inviting anyone else, ends up extending an invitation to Phil. So, with virtually the entire staff coming to dinner, Larry hurriedly puts away the things in his house that he would rather they not see, while Jeannie insists he relax and enjoy the party. Surprised to find that Phil has brought Jerry as his date, Larry is shocked when neighbor Martin Mull arrives to find out what is going on. Inviting him to stay, Larry becomes increasingly worried that the staff is learning too much and warns Jeannie to not be so revealing about their personal lives. However, angered by his reprimand, Jeannie locks herself in the bedroom and leaves Larry alone with their guests, forcing him to admit they are fighting when the party comes to a close. At work the following morning, Larry's paranoia increases when he happens upon his staff discussing the party.

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