CUPID, a new relationship reality series from "American Idol's" Simon Cowell, challenges America to find the perfect mate for one eligible young woman. Lisa Shannon, the Cupid Girl, is a copywriter for an advertising agency. Lisa has the full package: looks, personality and brains. However, Lisa has been unlucky in love and is looking to her friends to serve as judges to help find Mr. Right and weed out Mr. Wrong. Along with her girlfriends, Kimberly and Laura, Lisa will conduct a nationwide search to find the man of her dreams.
Actors: Simon Cowell, Lisa Shannon, Brian Renda, Hank Stepleton, Paul Stancato, Scott Schwartz, Rob Wiles, Ken Jones, Dominic Mancini, Kimberly Tarter, Laura Restum, Robert Amstler, Joe Nardulli, Brian McFayden, Evan Hook