Three years have passed since the events of Crest of the Stars. The initial battles sparked in "CotS" quickly decimated the forces of both the Abh Empire and its enemy, the Triple Alliance. A cease-fire was called, and both sides exploited these uneasy but battle-less years to rebuild their vast fleets. Now, with the forces of the Triple Alliance surrounding them, the Abh fleets assemble for a daring counterattack. The galactic war is about to begin again. This deadly situation reunites Abh Princess Lafiel and the human but honorary Abh, Jinto Lin. Lafiel is now captain of an Abh assault ship, the Basroil, which is destined to partake in some of the first battles of the rekindled war, and Jinto is part of her crew. Like "CotS," Banner of the Stars weaves personal and epic stories. We see a more mature Lafiel and Jinto, who are more frank with each other, more knowledgeable about each other's strengths and weaknesses, and more in need of each other than ever before. For they
Actors: Jessica Yow, Ethan Cole, Matthew Erickson, Maizun Jayoussi, Lucas Gilbertson, Roger Rhodes, Onalea Gilbertson, Doug McKeag, Jonathan Love, Elinor Holt, Meredith Taylor-Parry, Paul Hunter
Genre: Animation