Horse hangs from train trestle; Elephant stuck in well; Whale with fishing net stuck on tail; Deer caught between fence bars; Woman hears what she thinks is a cat stuck in her pipes, but it turns out to be a frog; Monitor lizard stuck in tree; Baby kangaroo stuck in mud; Dog trapped in icy lake; Penguins injured by oil spill; Alligator rescued from storm drain; Sea turtles caught in fish net; Tiger cub neglected by mother; Dalmatian puppy trapped in sewer pipe; Rat hit with broom lands in woman's cleavage; Fireman does mouth-to-snout on kitten; Cat's head stuck in hollow tree; Beaver stuck in flooded storm drain
Max X List: 3. Helicopters lift rhinos out of drought area 2. Helicopter rescues dog from sinking boat 1. Shark tangled in metal cable
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