Beware of Barnacle Bill Olive explains that she can't marry Popeye because she's really in love with Barnacle Bill, who then comes by and proceeds to pound Popeye (until he eats his spinach, that is).
Wimmin Is A Myskery Popeye asks Olive to marry him. She says she has to have time to think and will give her answer in the morning, she goes to bed and dreams what thier kids would be like. She Dreams that thier kids are nothing but trouble. When Olive wakes up she tells Popeye that she wouldn't marry him if he was the last man on earth.
Olive's Boithday Presink Popeye goes out to buy a fur coat for Olive's birthday. He goes to Geezil's store and asks for a bear skin coat. Geezil tries to sell him a rabbit skin coat and says it's bear skin. Popeye notices it's not bear skin, and tells Geezil that it's a rabbit skin coat. Geezil tells Popeye to get a gun and go find his own bear. Popeye goes bear hunting to get a bear skin coat. As soon as Popeye gets ready to shoot a bear, he notice
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