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What is Mail Call about?
Mail Call is a militainment television program appearing on the History Channel and hosted by R. Lee Ermey, a retired United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant
R. Lee Ermey
Episode 10: Gunny's Deal of the Day
Episode 11: SNAFU (Xtra-Salty Version)
Season 1 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Tank; Gatling Gun; Samurai Sword
Episode 2: Knight's Armor; WWI Backpack; Landmine
Episode 3: Flak Vest; Medieval Crossbow; WWI Pilots
Episode 4: Civil War Cannoneers; Night Vision; Clearing a Minefield
Episode 5: Landing Craft, Air Cushion Hovercraft (LCAC); U.S. Cavalry Saddles; Gas Masks
Episode 6: Mortar; WWII GIs' Personal Items; Native-American Arrows
Episode 7: Re-Fueling a Fighter Jet; Naval Signal Flags; GI Chow
Episode 8: Revolutionary WarMusket; Jousting; Foxholes
Episode 9: The Pilum; WWII Radios; First Rockets
Episode 10: Ninja Weapons; Flamethrower; Military Dogs
Episode 11: Grenades; Dog Tags; Dinner in a Pouch
Episode 12: The Jeep; HIMARS; Hurricanes
Episode 13: Future Gear; Marine Camouflage; Army's New Armored Vehicle
Season 2 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Grenade Launchers; Grape Shot; Shrapnel; D-Day Paratrooper Gear; Jet Packs
Episode 2: Civil War Rifles; 1st Missile Sub; Navy Divers' Gear; Field Strip; Bowie Knife;
Episode 3: AVLB; Fulton Recovery System; Pilot Survival Kit; Trireme; Battleship Guns; Grapeshot
Episode 4: Marine Weapons Training; Greek Phalanx; MiG-29; Hellcat Tank Destroyer;
Episode 5: Trebuchet; Troop Headcounts; BAR; Smart Bombs; Modern Parachutes; Boomerangs
Episode 6: LAV; Landing Craft; Doughboy; OPFOR; Chain Mail; Military Salute
Episode 7: Deuce and a Half; Vietnam Gun Truck; World War II Household Fat; Missile Silos;
Episode 8: Self-Propelled Artillery; Matchlock Musket; Airships; Blue Angels;Pirate Weapons
Episode 9: Anti-Tank Rocket; Bazooka; HQ Tour; Tactical Operations Center; Downed Pilots
Episode 10: Medieval Weapons; Lewis Gun; Carrier Pigeons; Gliders in Combat; Anti-Tank
Episode 11: Amphibious Assault Vehicle; Jeep; Medieval Battering Ram; Urban Warfare; Ball Tu
Episode 12: Unmanned Aircraft; Bogey; 1st Combat Helicopter; Forward Observers;
Episode 13: Newest Coast Guard Ship; Carrier Battle Group; Tanks; Sherman Tank; XM-29 Rifle
Season 3 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Live from the Gulf
Episode 2: Super Stallion Helicopter; Flying Banana; Navy Hazing; Seabees; GI Jargon; Tank Ammo
Episode 3: M-1 Garand Rifle; First Assault Rifle; JATO; Golden Knights Parachute Team; Barr
Episode 4: Rocket-Assisted Projectile; WWII German Gustav; Tent Tech; Pup Tent; Tomahawk;
Episode 5: M-16; Viet Cong Booby Traps; Super-Secret Ravens; Wild Weasels; Vietnam River Patrol Boats; Green Berets
Episode 6: Marine Sniper Rifle; BlowGun; Mulberry Harbor; French Resistance; Frontline Medi
Episode 7: Marine Sniper School; Hand Signals; Ho Chi Minh Trail; Motorcycles; Loading Palettes; C-119
Episode 8: Armored Scout Car; Water-Cooled Machine Gun; Fart Sack; Shuteye; Nazi U-Boats; Stealth Ship
Episode 9: Claymore Mine; 1st U.S. Nuclear Sub; Resupply at Sea; Patriot Air Defense Missile; Jody Songs
Episode 10: WWII Half Track; Arctic Vehicles; Weird Weapons; Navy Hydrofoils; Combat Controllers; Gunnery Sergeant
Episode 11: Military Pilot Training; Flak; Doolittle Raid; One-Man Submarine; Military Radios
Episode 12: F-15 Eagle; Flying Platform; Atomic Annie; Army Missiles; Tommy Gun v. Burp Gun; Measuring Bullets
Episode 13: Avenger; Stinger & Red-Eye Missiles; Military Firefighter & Smokejumper; Kiowa Helicopter; Kilroy
Episode 14: Cobra Attack Helicopter; Sidewinder Missile; C-54 Skymaster; MPs; Flintlock Pistol
Season 4 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Golden Knights; U.S. Air Force; Flying Tigers; Blood Chit; AC-130U Spooky Gunsh
Episode 2: Blimp; Miitary Shotguns; Navy Graveyard; Poop Deck
Episode 3: Guided Missile Destroyer; WWI Aircraft & Aces; Marine Corps FAST Teams
Episode 4: Grease Gun; Sten Gun; E-3 Sentry AWACS; J-Stars; Vietnam Fire Support Bases; Charlie
Episode 5: Medieval Madness; National Technical Systems; Fabulous Flops; P-51 Mustang; A-2 Flight Jacket
Episode 6: Heavy Support Vehicles
Episode 7: Army Air Ambulance; 1st Special Service Force; Johnson Rifle; MiG-15 vs. F-86
Episode 8: Fastest Army Vehicle; Uncle Sam; Tank Destroyers; Anti-Tank Rifle; Dive Bomber
Episode 9: Navy SEALs; Frogmen; Kettering Bug; A-10 Warthog; Rommel's Afrika Korps Gear
Episode 10: Jump Gear; Weapons; Communications and Medical Gear
Episode 11: Nuclear-Attack Submarine: Diving, Steering and Sonar; Torpedoes and Tomahawk Missiles; Reactor; Chow
Episode 12: Mark V Special Ops Craft; U.S. Gunboat; German Paratroopers; German Junkers; M113 APC; K-Rations
Episode 13: Bren Gun & Carrier; Special Forces School Final Exam; Beasts of Burden; Predator; 1st RPV
Season 5 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Spanish-American War Rifle; Remembering the Maine; SR-71 Blackbird; U-2 Spy Plane; Training for Extreme Battlefield Conditions
Episode 2: MP5; Three Types of Automatic Weapons; Marine Corps Paratroopers of World War Ii; Photograph of the Flag Raisers at Iwo Jima
Episode 3: The Navy Marine Mammals Program; The Chain of Evacuation in World War II; WC54 Ambulance; The Desert Ducks
Episode 4: Gear of the French Musketeers; Fighter Planes of World War II; High Altitude Rescue Team; XR-8 Syncopter
Episode 5: Marine Corps Marksmanship; The BAT; Maritime Safety & Security Teams
Episode 6: Silencers; Flashbang Grenade; WWII Japanese Gear; HITRON Teams
Episode 7: Javelin Anti-Tank Missile; Tankgewehr 1918; P-3 Orion; SOG
Episode 8: The War of 1812
Episode 9: Military Sidearms/Glock Handguns/MG42/WWII British Commando Weapons/Gun Truck Alley
Episode 10: XM8/Spencer/AC-47 Spooky/Small Diameter Bomb/Gotha Bomber
Episode 11: Rapid Fielding Initiative/Anti-Tank and Anti-Anti-Tank/Blimp Sub-hunters/Cloud Car
Episode 12: Zoaves/Flying Wing/ICBM/Swift Boats
Episode 13: Celebrity Golf Tournament, Gala Ball, and Auction
Season 6 of Mail Call
Episode 1: Ballista; Pedersen Device; Peashooter
Episode 2: NORAD
Episode 3: Afghanistan
Episode 4: SS Lane Victory
Episode 5: The Pentagon
Episode 6: 29 Palms
Episode 7: Civil War Special
Episode 8: Iwo Jima Special
Episode 9: Gator Navy
Episode 10: B-2
Episode 11: Abrams M1-A1; Kasserine Pass and El Guttar
Episode 12: Benelli M4 Shotgun; 1st Air Cav in Vietnam; Germany's WWII ME-163 Komet & Kubelwagen
Season 7 of Mail Call
Episode 1: MK-19 Grenade Launcher; PPSH-41; WWII Weasel; Vertijet
Episode 2: Beach Master; DLI; Hooch; Eureka MPTGS Type 3 Tent; Cabanatuan Raid; Arisaka Rifle
Episode 3: German Renaissance; 9mm Luger P-08; AFN; Battle of Britain
Episode 4: Hurricane Katrina
Episode 5: DOD Firefighter; USMC Martial Arts Training; Little David
Episode 6: IED; Guadalcanal; Sullivan Brothers; Rough Riders
Episode 7: Army's National Training Center
Episode 8: AAV; Wild West Guns; Merrill's Marauders; Screaming Mimi
Episode 9: Ermey's Vietnam
Episode 10: Minot AFB
Episode 11: Knob Creek Gun Range
Episode 12: War in the Pacific
Season 8 of Mail Call
Episode 1: The Potato Digger; KP; John Wayne; The Wire Dogs
Episode 2: Lockheed Starlifter, Project Bluebook
Episode 3: Air Force Special Operations
Episode 4: Special Ops Army Scouts
Episode 5: Pinnacle Armor, Apache Helicopter
Episode 6: M8 Armored Car, Mauser C96 Pistol, Dogs in War
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