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Watch Da Ali G Show (US) online

What is Da Ali G Show (US) about?
This outrageous comedy/reality series stars British chameleon Sacha Baron Cohen, who travels across America in the guise of one of three totally different characters. Cohen's primary alter-ego is Ali G., who calls himself a "hip-hop journalist", but who's really a white rapper-wannabe. When Cohen isn't putting Ali G and his "guests" in unusual and often delightfully uncomfortable situations, he's shedding his yellow gangsta track suit attire and slipping into two other memorable characters: Borat, an impossibly naive TV reporter from Kazakhstan, and Bruno, a gay Austrian fashionista.

Actors: Sacha Baron Cohen
Genre: Comedy
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of Da Ali G Show (US)

    Episode 1: Law  
    Episode 2: War  
    Episode 3: Politics  
    Episode 4: Media  
    Episode 5: Science  
    Episode 6: Belief  

Season 2 of Da Ali G Show (US)

    Episode 1: Respek  
    Episode 3: Peace  
    Episode 4: Realize  
    Episode 5: Jah  
    Episode 6: Realness  
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