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What is Strange But True about?
Michael Aspel
Season 1 of Strange But True
Episode 1: Chris Robinson's premonitions / Pete the Polt(ergeist)
Episode 2: Bonnybridge / Painless Penny
Episode 3: Dover Castle / Lorraine Ham the psychic healer
Episode 4: Nella Jones - crime solving psychic / Millboro (Past lives)
Episode 5: Heaven and Back (Near Death Experiences) / Borley Rectory
Episode 6: Stocksbridge Bypass / Angels
Episode 7: The Rendlesham Incident
Season 2 of Strange But True
Episode 1: Faith Healer / Past Memories
Episode 2: Timeslip / Haunted Trawler
Episode 3: Pet Healers / Munster Castle (Mincaster Abbey)
Episode 4: Miracles
Episode 5: Cursed Stone / Phantom Hitch-Hiker
Episode 6: Dowsing / Near Death Experience
Episode 7: Enfield Poltergeist
Episode 8: The Jim Twins / Flitwock Ghost
Episode 9: Etta Smith /
Episode 10: UFOS - Pilots / UFOs - Kaikoura Incident
Season 3 of Strange But True
Episode 1: Venetian Palace Incident
Episode 2: Cornish Sea Monster / Exorcist's story
Episode 3: Past Life / Pluckley - the most haunted village in England
Episode 4: Gulf Breeze UFOs
Episode 5: Paranormal on Camera / Ghost Planes of the Peaks
Episode 6: Chingle Hall / Psychic Detective Part 1
Episode 7: Psychic Detective Parts 2 and 3
Episode 8: Life Beyond Death / The Haunted Bomber
Episode 9: Alien Abduction
Episode 10: Psychic Pets / The Mystery of Dark Peak
Episode 11: Strange But True? Live
Season 4 of Strange But True
Episode 1: Paranormal On Camera / Twin Co-incidences
Episode 2: Littlecote House / Skiers on Bavarian Alps
Episode 3: Remote Viewing (David Morehouse)
Episode 4: The Falkirk Triangle / Beast of Durham
Episode 5: John Rapheal (Past Life); Premonitions
Episode 6: The Curse of Tutankhamun
Episode 7: Lucid Dreams / Psychic Children
Episode 8: Bigfoot / Ouija Boards
Episode 9: The Galway Poltergeist
Episode 10: Andrew Green the ghostbuster / Psychic Pets
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