For the first season finale of The Monkees TV series, David Jones opens the show with a special thanks and appreciation to the devout Monkee fans for their loyal support during the show's past year. The other three Monkees, dressed as elderly bearded men, arrive to carry him out of the room to have him help them across the street.
The show then departs from its story format to present films of a Monkees concert in Phoenix, Arizona on January 21, 1967. At a heliport, mobs of excited teenagers await the arrival of The Monkees on their first personal appearance tour following their NBC-TV series' stunningly successful first season on the air. Here is an intimate view of the combo, thrilled by the first real contact with their fans. From preconcert jitters to postconcert elation, this amazing episode show's each boys' triumph, and records his past fears and present doubts, as they horse around (literally!) at a corral, clown around at a mall, chase swans, and yuk it up at a restaurant. On
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