This parody on teenage horror flicks finds The Monkees hired by mad scientist Dr, Mendoza, at a Gothic mansion on Rosebud Lane. In Mendoza's lab, the doctor plans to turn a seven foot monster into the world's greatest rock and roll singer. The Monkees try to leave, but decide to stay and teach the monster the art of rock and roll for $200. That night, Groot, the valet, takes them to their room where they meet the mad doctor's beautiful daughter in a closet (who claims to have nothing to do with this episode, as she is in the sequel). While watching a horror movie about brain transplants, the boys disappear one by one and find themselves strapped to boards in the basement lab. The doctor tells them he plans to transplant their musical prowess into the monster's body, and proceeds with the operation, sparkling the place with electrical vibrations. When it stops, The Monkees find they can't sing, while the monster has all the talent. Mike threatens to go to the police, but Dr. Mendoza tou
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