The adventures of a daydreaming, jazz-loving, football-headed 9-year-old, who lives in a boarding house with his grandparents and some eccentric boarders, encounters life in the city with his best friend Gerald, a loofah-haired kid, who is the keeper of the urban tales and coolest kid in class; and Helga, who torments him, but loves him secretly.
Actors: Dan Butler, Jim Belushi, Craig Bartlett, Joseph Ashton, Sam Gifaldi, Kath Soucie, Steve Viksten, Phillip Glenn Van Dyke, Tress MacNeille, Anndi McAfee, Lauren Robinson, Alex D. Linz, James Keane, Baoan Coleman, Fred Newman, Benjamin Diskin, Jordan Warkol, Rick Corso, Ch
Genre: Kids
Imdb: click here