The show consists of several segments that feature several artists such as Eddie Condon, Bud Freeman, Pee Wee Russell and Jimmy McPartland who were from Chicago and/or contributed to the Chicago style of jazz. Bill Challis acted as consultant and wrote several of the orchestral arrangements. There are two magnificent tributes, one to Bix and one to Louis Armstrong. The Bix tribute has two parts. In one, the soundtrack plays Frankie Trumbauer's seminal 1927 recording of Singin' the Blues while silent footage of Bix and several of Jean Goldkette's sideman is seen on video. The second part has Johny Guarneri playing In a Mist. The Louis tribute also consists of two parts. In the first, we hear Louis' 1927 landmark recording of West End Blues while still photographs and film footage are displayed on the screen. The second consists of a film of Louis Armstrong and his orchestra playing Dippermouth Blues. The people responsible for making the choices of what to include in the show were quit
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