In the sixth episode of Walt Disney's ten-part miniseries Elfego Baca, the titular hero (Robert Loggia, a gunslinger-turned-lawyer, defends British-born rancher Cecil Cunningham (Patrick Knowles), who has been accused of murdering land baron Drew Griswold. According to witnesses, Griswold had been fooling around with Cyril's wife (Audrey Dalton), thereby firmly establishing a motive. In court, Baca finds that he must go face to face with his former law partner J. Henry Newman (James Dunn, the newly appointed District Attorney--while outside the courtroom, the dead man's relatives begin forming a lynch mob. Originally telecast on the Walt Disney Presents anthology, ""The Griswold Murder"" and the fifth Elfego Baca episode ""Attorney at Law"" were edited together in 1962 and released as a theatrical feature, Six-Gun Law.
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