The day of the foundation of the school is supposed to be celebrated. The three friends may plant a flowers clock to the celebration of the day. Hinagikus clock turns suddenly through and it notices not at all that also it runs into the future. So it sees the misfortune that becomes the angeschwärmten Kazuja zustoßen, already before it happens. But naturally again one of the enemies has the fingers in the game: amen wants to disappear let seems the dear of the earth, and for that the celebration appropriate because then a powerful wave of that will be dear available, that he destroy can to it. So that the klappt, should steal Tanma already in the forefield the person the time, what lets fall it into total stiffness. To the good fortune, the three friends in its mission can prevent the worst as an angel. Verjagt become both Bösewichte after also the attempt to pull, Daisy and Lilly on its side, in that them shown becomes, how crazy it would be, so to its like it, failed is. The
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