In the season premiere, directed by executive producer Clement Virgo (“The Book of Negroes”), Grace and her teenage daughter Sophia (Desiree Ross, “Falling Skies”) are warmly welcomed home by Grace’s father, Bishop Greenleaf. Sparked by Grace’s return to Memphis, tensions quickly rise. At a family dinner in the Greenleaf mansion, Grace’s mother is cold and hostile. Her sister-in-law Kerissa (Kim Hawthorne, “Rake”) questions her about her faith and sister Charity (Deborah Joy Winans, “Whitney”) erupts with jealousy at the suggestion that Grace might start preaching at Calvary. Later, Grace’s Aunt Mavis (Oprah Winfrey, “Selma”) discusses with her the circumstances of Faith’s death and reveals some shocking information about Grace’s Uncle “Mac” (Gregory Alan Williams, “Terminator Genisys”). Mavis is still estranged from the Greenleaf family and it becomes evident that she intends to use Grace to sow the seeds of its destruction.
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