Soap opera parody in which a legendary author introduces each episode of the brilliant adaptation of his sweeping chronicle of the provocative and captivating exploits of the Morehouse family, who rise from poverty in Texas to riches on Wall Street.
Tobey Maguire as Devon Morehouse,
Kristen Wiig as Cynthia Morehouse,
Tim Robbins as Jonas Morehouse,
Val Kilmer as General Cauliffe,
Michael Sheen as Chet Halner,
Jessica Alba as Dixie Mellonworth,
Haley Joel Osment as Winston Morehouse,
David Spade as Talc Munson,
Steve Tom as General Maddoxton,
Jelly Howie as Marianne Morehouse,
Molly Shannon as Meredith Sennheiser,
Carey Mulligan as the voice of Lady Anne York,
Will Ferrell as Eric Jonrosh,
Genre: Comedy