GANG RELATED centers on Detective RYAN LOPEZ (Ramon Rodriguez), a rising star in Los Angeles’ elite Gang Task Force who long before he became a cop, pledged allegiance to a different band of brothers – a powerful Latino gang called Los Angelicos. When Ryan’s best friend and police partner is senselessly killed by a notorious gang member, he teams up with longtime Task Force member CASSIUS GREEN, who has been at the forefront of the city’s war on organized crime. Despite his profession, Ryan is still beholden to the gang’s leader, JAVIER ACOSTA, the father figure he has tried to make proud his entire life and the man who masterminded his entry into the police force. It’s a secret that has been held for a decade by Ryan, Javier and Javier’s sons: cold-blooded gang lieutenant CARLOS; and straight-laced investment banker DANIEL, Ryan’s childhood best friend. But Ryan is starting to realize that he might be more dedicated to being a cop than he is to Los Angelicos. He is respected by his team, including TAE KIM, VERONICA “VEE” DOTSEN and Task Force leader SAM CHAPEL, Ryan’s other surrogate father figure, whose estranged daughter, JESSICA, is the city’s Assistant District Attorney.
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