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Watch Wild Coasts with Craig Potton online

What is Wild Coasts with Craig Potton about?
New to Prime’s Sunday night line up is Wild Coasts, a fascinating and insightful exploration of New Zealand’s coasts with renowned photographer and conservationist Craig Potton. This new local series follows world-renowned photographer, conservationist, surfer and ocean lover, Craig Potton, as he explores New Zealand's extraordinarily rich and varied coastline. Throughout Wild Coasts, Craig spends time with people who live by and love New Zealand’s coasts, including scientists, sailors, swimmers, artists, iwi, boaties and bach owners. Craig examines the amazing biodiversity of our coastal world and investigates the threats to habitats; and the impressive efforts of New Zealanders to protect our coast and its natural treasures.

Genre: Documentary

Season 1 of Wild Coasts with Craig Potton

click here to see where to watch

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