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Watch Brenda Starr, Reporter online

What is Brenda Starr, Reporter about?
The hunt is on for a $250,000 payroll robbery. The police are looking for it, and—mostly just to be annoying—so is ace reporter Brenda Starr and sidekick relief photographer Chuck Allen. The main clue is a man named Joe Heller. As the serial begins, Heller is trapped in a burning building. Henchman Kruger guns him down and sticks Brenda in a closet so she'll burn. Lucky for her, her boyfriend Lt. Lawrence Farrell manages to rescue her. And we're off and running! Brenda has her usual knack for getting into tight situations –exploding mines, burning buildings, and the like. Chuck bounces between useless and useful, thereby making it hard to hate the character like so many other comic relief characters. Lt. Farrell constantly ends up berating Brenda and Chuck and their editor.

Genre: Action and Adventure
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Brenda Starr, Reporter

    Episode 1: Hot News  
    Episode 6: Man Hunt  
click here to see where to watch

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