SUPER CITY is a six-part comedy series starring Madeleine Sami (Jaquie Brown Diaries & Sione’s Wedding) and directed by Taika Waititi (Boy & Eagle vs. Shark).
Sami hilariously transforms into five acutely observed and very different characters all living in our country’s super city. There’s Pasha, an aging cheerleader clinging to her partying lifestyle; Azeem, an immigrant taxi driver embracing Maori culture; Jo, a closeted gym instructor in love with her best friend; Linda, the runt of her “old girls” clique fostering impoverished artists and Georgie, a homeless girl whose freedom is unexpectedly interrupted.
Super City is an edgy yet heartfelt satire. Sami’s delusional characters shock through the ludicrously awkward scenarios they find themselves in.
Genre: Comedy
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