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What is The Scrat Show about?
"The Scrat Show" is an American animated television series that premiered on July 6, 2012 on Nickelodeon. The series was created by Austin Alexander as a spin-off from the "Paramount" franchise. A first look at "The Scrat Show" was aired on January 6, 2011 during the premiere of the third "Paramount: Robots" film, "Paramount: Extreme Robots", on Nickelodeon. Season 1 is expected to have 13 episodes. The show's family centers around the squirrel-rat Scrat, who was a featured character on the "Paramount" franchise. His female counterpart Scratte was also from the "Paramount" franchise. Three new characters were added to fill out Scrat's family. The theme song for "The Scrat Show" was "Hakuna Matata" from the 2009 Nickelodeon direct-to-video film "Paramount Down Under".

Genre: Animation, Comedy

Season 1 of The Scrat Show

    Episode 1: Pilot  
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