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What is Mark Driscoll about?
Mark Driscoll is the preaching pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. These are his sermons.
Special Interest
Season 1 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Vintage Jesus | Is Jesus the only God?
Episode 2: Vintage Jesus | How human was Jesus?
Episode 3: Vintage Jesus | What did Jesus accomplish on the cross?
Episode 4: Vintage Jesus | Did Jesus rise from death?
Episode 5: Vintage Jesus | Where is Jesus today?
Episode 6: Vintage Jesus | What will Jesus do upon His return?
Episode 7: Vintage Jesus | Why should we worship Jesus?
Episode 8: Vintage Jesus | What makes Jesus superior to other saviors?
Episode 9: Vintage Jesus | How did people know Jesus was coming?
Episode 10: Vintage Jesus | Why did Jesus come to earth?
Episode 11: Vintage Jesus | Why did Jesus' mom need to be a virgin?
Episode 12: Vintage Jesus | What difference has Jesus made in history?
Season 2 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our suffering
Episode 2: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our luck
Episode 3: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our blessing
Episode 4: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our risks
Episode 5: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our shrewdness
Episode 6: Redeeming Ruth | God's hand in our redemption
Season 3 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Titus | Leading out of Chaos
Episode 2: Titus | Protecting yourself from spiritual disease
Episode 3: Titus | Building a strong foundation in Christ
Episode 4: Titus | Doing good in a bad world
Season 4 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Nehemiah | Building a city within a city
Episode 2: Nehemiah | Prayer and Planning
Episode 3: Nehemiah | Mission and Mockery
Episode 4: Nehemiah | Leading and Laboring
Episode 5: Nehemiah | Pain and Progress
Episode 6: Nehemiah | The Sword and the Trowel
Episode 7: Nehemiah | Wealth and Worship
Episode 8: Nehemiah | Humility and Hospitality
Episode 9: Nehemiah | Diversion and Deception
Episode 10: Nehemiah | Completion, Critics and Continuation
Episode 11: Nehemiah | Multitudes and Money
Episode 12: Nehemiah | Air War and Ground War
Episode 13: Nehemiah | Religion and Revival
Episode 14: Nehemiah | Prayer and Repentance
Episode 15: Nehemiah | Change and Covenant
Episode 16: Nehemiah | Urban and Missional
Episode 17: Nehemiah | Movements and Bricks
Episode 18: Nehemiah | Dedication and Delight
Episode 19: Nehemiah | Ministry and Money
Episode 20: Nehemiah | Anger and Action
Episode 21: Nehemiah | Work and Worship
Episode 22: Nehemiah | Fathers and Fighting
Season 5 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: The Rebels guide to Joy
Episode 2: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Loneliness
Episode 3: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Suffering
Episode 4: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Death
Episode 5: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Humility
Episode 6: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Temptation
Episode 7: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Conflict
Episode 8: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Exhaustion
Episode 9: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Anxiety
Episode 10: The Rebels guide to Joy | Joy in Poverty
Season 6 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Religion Saves | Birth Control
Episode 2: Religion Saves | Humor
Episode 3: Religion Saves | Predestination
Episode 4: Religion Saves | Grace
Episode 5: Religion Saves | Sexual Sin
Episode 6: Religion Saves | Faith & Works
Episode 7: Religion Saves | Dating
Episode 8: Religion Saves | Emerging Church
Episode 9: Religion Saves | Regulative Principle
Season 7 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Doctrine | Trinity: God is
Episode 2: Doctrine | Revelation: God speaks
Episode 3: Doctrine | Creation: God makes
Episode 4: Doctrine | Image: God loves
Episode 5: Doctrine | Fall: God judges
Episode 6: Doctrine | Covenant: God pursues
Episode 7: Doctrine | Incarnation: God comes
Episode 8: Doctrine | Cross: God dies
Episode 9: Doctrine | Resurrection: God saves
Episode 10: Doctrine | Church: God sends
Episode 11: Doctrine | Worship: God transforms
Episode 12: Doctrine | Stewardship: God gives
Episode 13: Doctrine | Kingdom: God reigns
Season 9 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: The Peasant Princess | Let him kiss me
Episode 2: The Peasant Princess | Sweet to my taste
Episode 3: The Peasant Princess | The little foxes
Episode 4: The Peasant Princess | His garden
Episode 5: The Peasant Princess | My beloved, my friend
Episode 6: The Peasant Princess | My dove
Episode 7: The Peasant Princess | Dance of Mahanaim
Episode 8: The Peasant Princess | Into the fields
Episode 9: The Peasant Princess | Do not awaken love
Episode 10: The Peasant Princess | I was a wall
Episode 11: The Peasant Princess | Greatest hits Q&A
Season 10 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Pray like Jesus
Episode 2: Pray like Jesus | The Lord's prayer
Episode 3: Pray like Jesus | The Gethsemane prayer
Episode 4: Pray like Jesus | The High Priestly prayer - part 1
Episode 5: Pray like Jesus | The High Priestly prayer - part 2
Season 11 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Proverbs | Fear
Episode 2: Proverbs | The Heart
Episode 3: Proverbs | Wisdom
Episode 4: Proverbs | Planning
Episode 5: Proverbs | Friendship
Episode 6: Proverbs | Wealth
Episode 7: Proverbs | Addiction
Episode 8: Proverbs | Marriage
Season 12 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Generous (Part 1a)
Episode 2: Generous (Part 1b)
Episode 3: Generous (Part 2a)
Episode 4: Generous (Part 2b)
Season 13 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Trial | Trial and Sin
Episode 2: Trial | Trial and Jesus
Episode 3: Trial | Trial and Scripture
Episode 4: Trial | Temptation from Sin
Episode 5: Trial | Temptation from Hypocrisy
Episode 6: Trial | Temptation from Worldliness
Episode 7: Trial | Submission to Authority
Episode 8: Trial | Submission to Ungodly Authority
Episode 9: Trial | Marriage and Women
Episode 10: Trial | Marriage and Men
Episode 11: Trial | Suffering to Bless
Episode 12: Trial | Suffering to Learn
Episode 13: Trial | Suffering to Serve
Episode 14: Trial | Suffering to Worship
Episode 15: Trial | Humble Pastors
Episode 16: Trial | Humble Christians
Episode 17: Trial | Faith in your New Birth
Episode 18: Trial | Faith in your New Life
Episode 19: Trial | Doctrine from True Teachers
Episode 20: Trial | Doctrine from False Teachers - Part 1
Episode 21: Trial | Doctrine from False Teachers - Part 2
Episode 22: Trial | Perseverance until Judgement
Episode 23: Trial | Perseverance until Jesus returns
Episode 24: Trial | Perseverance until the New Creation
Episode 25: Trial | Perseverance until God is finished with you
Season 14 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: It's all about Jesus | Humility
Episode 2: It's all about Jesus | Identity
Episode 3: It's all about Jesus | Worship
Episode 4: It's all about Jesus | Community
Episode 5: It's all about Jesus | Mission
Episode 6: It's all about Jesus | Glory
Season 15 of Mark Driscoll
Episode 1: Luke's Gospel | Eyewitness to Jesus
Episode 2: Luke's Gospel | John the baptizer's birth prophesied
Episode 3: Luke's Gospel | Jesus' birth prophesied
Episode 4: Luke's Gospel | Mary & Elizabeth
Episode 5: Luke's Gospel | Mary's song
Episode 6: Luke's Gospel | The birth of John the baptizer
Episode 7: Luke's Gospel | Jesus' birth
Episode 8: Luke's Gospel | Christ the Lord
Episode 9: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and the temple
Episode 10: Luke's Gospel | Jesus the boy
Episode 11: Luke's Gospel | Repentance and baptism
Episode 12: Luke's Gospel | Jesus is God
Episode 13: Luke's Gospel | Jesus is man
Episode 14: Luke's Gospel | Jesus without sin
Episode 15: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Episode 16: Luke's Gospel | Jesus the prophet
Episode 17: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and demons
Episode 18: Luke's Gospel | Jesus calls Peter, James and John
Episode 19: Luke's Gospel | Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic
Episode 20: Luke's Gospel | Jesus loves sinners
Episode 21: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and fasting
Episode 22: Luke's Gospel | Jesus the Sabbath Lord
Episode 23: Luke's Gospel | Jesus calls the Twelve
Episode 24: Luke's Gospel | The Beatitudes - Part 1
Episode 25: Luke's Gospel | The Beatitudes - Part 2
Episode 26: Luke's Gospel | Jesus heals a centurion's servant
Episode 27: Luke's Gospel | Jesus raises a widow's son
Episode 28: Luke's Gospel | John the Baptizer - Part 1
Episode 29: Luke's Gospel | John the Baptizer - Part 2
Episode 30: Luke's Gospel | Jesus forgives a sinful woman
Episode 31: Luke's Gospel | The parable of the sower
Episode 32: Luke's Gospel | Jesus' true family
Episode 33: Luke's Gospel | Jesus calms the storm
Episode 34: Luke's Gospel | Jesus casts out demons
Episode 35: Luke's Gospel | Jesus heals a woman and a girl
Episode 36: Luke's Gospel | Jesus sends out the apostles
Episode 37: Luke's Gospel | Jesus feeds 5000 men
Episode 38: Luke's Gospel | Jesus the Christ
Episode 39: Luke's Gospel | Jesus' transfiguration
Episode 40: Luke's Gospel | Jesus heals a demonized boy
Episode 41: Luke's Gospel | Redeeming greatness
Episode 42: Luke's Gospel | Jesus before all
Episode 43: Luke's Gospel | The harvest is plentiful
Episode 44: Luke's Gospel | Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit
Episode 45: Luke's Gospel | The parable of the Good Samaritan
Episode 46: Luke's Gospel | Mary and Martha
Episode 47: Luke's Gospel | The Lord's prayer
Episode 48: Luke's Gospel | Asking for the Holy Spirit
Episode 49: Luke's Gospel | Jesus vs. Satan
Episode 50: Luke's Gospel | Jesus is greater than Jonah
Episode 51: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and religion
Episode 52: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and fear
Episode 53: Luke's Gospel | The parable of the rich fool
Episode 54: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and anxiety
Episode 55: Luke's Gospel | Waiting ready: between the times
Episode 56: Luke's Gospel | Jesus and repentance
Episode 57: Luke's Gospel | The parable of the barren fig tree
Episode 58: Luke's Gospel | Jesus heals a demonized woman
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