The Everyday Happenings of Weebl (and Sometimes Weebl's Friend Bob) (best known as Weebl and Bob, and also known as Wobbl and Bob) is a Flash cartoon series created by Jonti Picking (also known as Weebl to fans) and co-scripted by Chris Vick (known as Skoo).
The two main characters, Weebl and Bob, are best friends, but are easily prone to harassing and insulting each other (e.g. by calling each other "wanker"), though these insults are mainly directed at Bob. Both characters are egg-shaped creatures with wide mouths that split their heads in half, and move by rolling, hopping or swaying back and forth. They don't speak properly, they just mutter and 'talk' in a way that they seem to understand between the two of them. It is often unintelligible.
Genre: Animation
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