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What is 100 Greatest Toys about?
Presented by gadget, gizmo and toy collector extraordinaire Jonathan Ross, 100 Greatest Toys with Jonathan Ross is a three-hour countdown of the nation's favourite toys and games. From Action Man to Yahtzee and from Barbie to Trivial Pursuit, inventors and toy-makers tell the inside stories of their creations and success. And to fully explain the impact of these toys and games, the children of yesteryear - today's celebrities, authors, actors and journalists - reveal exactly what it was that made them love a particular toy. Find out how Action Man evolved from the American GI Joe action doll and just how Tomorrow's World inspired his haircut. What was the genesis of Barbie? And who came up with the iconic design of the Raleigh Chopper? There's also the chance to learn how a one-time wimp created the world's toughest action figure and how the Vietnam War almost destroyed Britain's Matchbox toy car range.

Genre: Documentary
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of 100 Greatest Toys

    Episode 1: 100-91  
    Episode 2: 90-79  
    Episode 3: 78-68  
    Episode 4: 67-54  
    Episode 5: 53-44  
    Episode 6: 43-32  
    Episode 7: 31-23  
    Episode 8: 22-14  
    Episode 9: 13-6  
    Episode 10: 5-1  
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