The series revolves around the family Wildspieker. Father Wildspieker's death leaves mother Minie's on her own at the farm. Fenna daughter of Minie and mother of Zilver, comes over to stay with her mother, after a broken relationship, Her brother (married to Patricia) has his own financial problems and then there's the youngest sister Monkie, a sports teacher and football coach at the youth center.
Friends with the Wildspieker's are the wealthy family Bode, comprising Hein father, mother and twin Lineke Elvis and Janis. Roos is a friend of Elvis and Janis. The bachelor brothers and Gerrit & Mans Olde Weernink also play a major role in the series, They are the neighbors of the family Wildspieker. The series is set in the fictional village Dinkelo in Twente.
One of the main aspects of the region soap is the use of local dialects. In Twente, especially by elderly people in rural areas, it's still spoken.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Soap
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