While out on patrol, Hunter and Magma happen upon an ancient school. There they discover Aqune, who arrived on the school's doorsteps not knowing who she was or where she came from. Magma quickly notices that not only is she not wearing her mask, her manacle is missing too! Fearful for Portia, Magma persuades Hunter that they should stay and spy on Aqune. Turning to the Teacher for assistance, the Spider Riders discover that an Oracle key is located in the sanctuary. But Aqune has been spying as well and beats them to the key, only to discover that it is merely an illusion. Angry with the deception, Buguese unleashes Aqune and Portia's full power upon the Spider Riders. Will Brutus and Portia's reunion be a lasting one or will the Spider Riders be destroyed by the ones they are trying to protect?
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