This landmark six-part documentary series, hosted by Raquel Welch, explores the 100 year evolution of sexuality and censorship in motion pictures. Filled with Hollywood’s most compelling historical figures such as Marilyn Monroe, Veronica Lake and Brigitte Bardot, it provides a finely balanced, critical and objective look at the often delicate subject of content in film.
This series is not so much a quick portrait of sex in the movies as it is a look at freedom of expression versus the protection of constantly evolving social values. With clips from many films including those such as The Graduate (1967), Bonnie and Clyde (1967), From Russia with Love (1963) and Basic Instinct (1992) each part provides an enormously entertaining and in-depth perspective of the many forces which have helped to shape the cultural and social landscape of the 20th Century.
Genre: Documentary
Imdb: click here