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What is Instant Restaurant about?
Two amateur cooks go head to head to see if they've got what it takes to create a restaurant in their own homes for one night only - and make a profit
Season 1 of Instant Restaurant
Episode 1: 1/20. It is French chic versus English eccentricity as Mathilde Delville and Paul Hayes compete.
Episode 2: 2/20. Rival amateur cooks prepare a Moroccan feast and a gourmet dinner in their homes.
Episode 3: 3/20. In this edition, the cooks prepare a Chinese menu versus British-with-a-Malaysian twist.
Episode 4: 4/20. The amateur cooks cope with power cuts and tackle home-made pasta.
Episode 5: 5/20. Chaplain Ian Delinger competes against civil servant Judith Burrows' French menu.
Episode 6: 6/20. Two Salford friends go head-to-head with old-fashioned baking versus a gourmet menu.
Episode 7: 7/20. A Kung Fu fan's Greek Taverna battles with some refined fine-dining on a budget.
Episode 8: 8/20. This time it is the New Age vegetarian versus the full-blooded lord of the manor.
Episode 9: 9/20. Fashion student Rhiannon Rowlands goes up against Anne Everitt, who grows her own veg.
Episode 10: 10/20. Amateur cooks Debi Backhurst and John Stephens discover if they have what it takes.
Episode 19: Writer Sophie Partridge and auctioneer Paul Arrowsmith compete against each other to create a profitable restaurant in their own homes in Dartmoor, Devon.
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