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Watch Salvage Squad online
What is Salvage Squad about?
Season 1 of Salvage Squad
Episode 1: Steamroller
Episode 2: Centurion Tank
Episode 3: Bristol car
Episode 4: Gyroplane
Episode 5: Steamboat
Episode 6: Fire engine
Episode 7: Alvis Stalwart (FV620)
Episode 8: Racing car
Episode 9: Thames sailing barge
Episode 10: 10. de Havilland Gipsy Moth
Season 2 of Salvage Squad
Episode 1: Watermill
Episode 2: Steam-powered gallopers
Episode 3: Massey Shaw Fireboat
Episode 4: Revopak
Episode 5: Simplex
Episode 6: Steam car
Episode 7: Blackpool "Coronation" tram car no. 304
Episode 8: Morgan Super Sports
Episode 9: Ruston Bucyrus 10RB
Episode 10: Ploughing engine
Season 3 of Salvage Squad
Episode 1: Amphicar
Episode 2: Massey Harris 780
Episode 3: Scammell Scarab
Episode 4: Model T Ford
Episode 5: Biber submarine
Episode 6: 1936 Grafton steam crane
Episode 7: # Skima 12 hovercraft
Episode 8: 1931 Sentinel steam lorry
Episode 9: Snow Trac
Episode 10: M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
Episode 11: Blackpool "Coronation" tram car no. 304
Episode 12: Massey Shaw Fireboat
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