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What is The D-Generation about?
The D-Generation was a popular and influential Australian TV sketch comedy show, produced and broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) for two series, between 1986 and 1987.
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Episode 1: The D-Generation Goes Commercial
Episode 2: Degenocide
Episode 3: The D-Generation Salute to Roy Smeck
Episode 4: The D-Generation Country Homestead
Season 1 of The D-Generation
Episode 1: Australia
Episode 2: Religion
Episode 3: The Media
Episode 4: Leisure
Episode 5: Work
Episode 6: Politics
Episode 7: The Arts
Episode 8: Science
Episode 9: Relationships
Episode 10: Comedy
Season 2 of The D-Generation
Episode 1: Nightmare on D Generation Street
Episode 2: Hercules, Saviour of the D Generation
Episode 3: Deep Generation
Episode 4: D Generation, Bloody D Generation
Episode 5: The Easy Listening Sounds of the D Generation
Episode 6: That's D Generation!
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