Documentary which follows two teenage girls who are determined to have cosmetic surgery, specifically liposuction. Two teens in two different situations, but sharing the same all-consuming desire go on a personal journey of self discovery – and they are taking their mums and a family friend with them.
Taking a break from everyday life, the five women embark on a five-day road trip across the UK, immersing themselves in the world of cosmetic surgery and weight loss. Offering help and support throughout the experience, it is the last chance the older women have to persuade the teenagers to really think about making the right choice.
18-year-old Samm hates her stomach and dreams of having her body shape changed through liposuction. However, a traumatic childhood which has left her with a bad relationship with food is at the root of the problem. Mum Debbie starts her journey pledging to support Samm whatever her decision, but family friend Pauline is determined that Samm must learn to change her attitude to food and not just have surgery to solve the problem.
Travelling with Samm is 18-year-old Natasha and her mother Teresa. Natasha wants a range of cosmetic surgery, including liposuction and a boob job, to give her the body of a glamour model. She was teased at school and hopes that by changing her looks and getting into lads’ mags she will show her childhood bullies that she is better than them.
Along the way, the families are introduced to people and witness experiences that are designed to get the teens talking openly and honestly and help inform their ‘Big Decision’. They meet women who have lost weight naturally and through cosmetic surgery, and are introduced to celebrity fitness trainer Mark Anthony, who shows them how to lose weight naturally.
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