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Watch Shark Week online
What is Shark Week about?
Every year The Discovery Channel dedicates a full week to sharks, this includes newly made specials each year all featuring sharks.
Season 1 of Shark Week
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Episode 1: Dirty Jobs: Jobs That Bite
Episode 2: Shark Attack Survivors
Episode 3: Perfect Shark
Episode 4: Sharks: Are They Hunting Us?
Episode 5: Shark Rebellion
Episode 6: Dirty Jobs: Jobs That Bite Harder
Episode 7: Science of Shark Sex
Season 2 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Mythbusters: Shark Special
Episode 2: Surviving Sharks
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Episode 3: Day of the Shark
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Episode 4: Dirty Jobs: Greenland Shark Quest
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Episode 5: How Not To Become Shark Bait
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Episode 6: Mysteries of the Shark Coast
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Episode 8: Great White Shark: Uncaged
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Season 3 of Shark Week
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Episode 1: Day of the Shark 1
Episode 2: Day of the Shark 2
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Episode 3: Great White Appetite
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Episode 4: Deadly Waters
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Episode 5: Shark After Dark
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Episode 6: Sharkbite Summer
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Episode 7: Blood In the Water 1
Episode 8: Blood In the Water 2
Season 4 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Ultimate Air Jaws
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Episode 2: Into the Shark Bite
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Episode 3: Man vs. Fish
Episode 4: Day of the Shark 3
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Episode 5: Shark Bite Beach
Episode 6: Best Bites
Season 18 of Shark Week
Episode 2: Great White Shark Uncaged
Season 19 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Dirty Jobs: Jobs That Bite
Episode 2: Shark Attack Survivors
Episode 3: Perfect Shark
Episode 4: Sharks: Are They Hunting Us?
Episode 5: Shark Rebellion
Episode 6: Dirty Jobs: Jobs That Bite Harder
Episode 7: Science of Shark Sex
Season 20 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Ocean of Fear: The Worst Shark Attack Ever
Episode 2: Deadly Stripes: Tiger Sharks
Episode 3: Top 5 Eaten Alive
Episode 4: Shark Feeding Frenzy
Episode 5: Perfect Predators
Episode 6: Shark Tribe
Episode 7: Sharks: A Family Affair
Episode 8: Sharkman
Episode 9: Bull Shark: The World's Deadliest Shark
Episode 10: 10 Deadliest Sharks
Episode 11: Jurassic Shark
Season 21 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Mythbusters: Shark Special
Episode 2: Surviving Sharks
Episode 3: Day of the Shark
Episode 4: Dirty Jobs: Greenland Shark Quest
Episode 5: How Not to Become Shark Bait
Episode 6: Mysteries of the Shark Coast
Season 22 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Blood in the Water
Episode 2: Deadly Waters
Episode 3: Day of the Shark 2
Episode 4: Sharkbite Summer
Episode 5: Great White Appetite
Episode 6: Shark After Dark
Episode 7: Sharks Under Glass
Season 23 of Shark Week
Episode 1: Ultimate Air Jaws
Episode 2: Into the Shark Bite
Episode 3: Shark Attack Survival Guide
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Episode 4: Day of the Shark 3
Episode 5: Shark Bite Beach
Episode 6: Shark Bites: Adventures in Shark Week
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Season 24 of Shark Week
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Episode 1: Great White Invasion
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Episode 2: Jaws Comes Home
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Episode 3: Rogue Sharks
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Episode 4: Summer of The Shark
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Episode 5: Killer Sharks
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Episode 6: How Sharks Hunt
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Episode 7: Shark City
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