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What is Mary Queen of Shops about?
Mary, Queen Of Shops is hosted by Mary Portas. Mary attempts to help smaller fashion retail outlets survive in a tough market against the bigger retail stores.

Genre: Reality
Imdb: click here

    Episode 1:   

Season 1 of Mary Queen of Shops

    Episode 1: Ju-Ju  
    Episode 3: Homeboy  

Season 2 of Mary Queen of Shops

    Episode 1: Blinkz  
    Episode 2: Floyds  
    Episode 3: H T Burt  

Season 3 of Mary Queen of Shops

    Episode 2: Clealls  
    Episode 3: Fosters  

Season 4 of Mary Queen of Shops

    Episode 2: Clealls  
    Episode 3: Fosters  
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