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Watch GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class online
What is GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class about?
GA is a class that specializes in the arts at Ayanoi High School. Kisaragi, Nodamiki, Kyoju, Tomokane and Namiko are a group of five friends who have colorful adventures and learn about art techniques.
Animation, Comedy
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Episode 1: Fashion Crisis
Season 1 of GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
Episode 1: Drawing Fun
Episode 2: God's Pencil
Episode 3: Onigokko Collage
Episode 4: The one who left behind the photo and wit
Episode 5: Designs for Living & Club President's Little Cottage
Episode 6: Art Club Residence
Episode 7: Trompe-l'oeil
Episode 8: Surrealism
Episode 9: Stormy Daydream
Episode 10: The Assignment is 'The Border Between Life and Death'
Episode 11: Happy Ending
Episode 12: Hexenkessel
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