The Ganges and the Brahmaputra, rivers that roll down to the sea from their headwaters in the high mountains of northern India, are two of the nation's most sacred waterways. They are also home to a rich tapestry of wildlife, including the greatest concentration of tigers in the world. LAND OF THE TIGER takes viewers on an extraordinary tour of the marshes and floodplains that provide rich feeding grounds along the rivers. In the marshes of Bharatpur, thousands of painted storks and millions of other waterfowl nest and feed, creating a world of birds. The marshes are also home to remarkable fishing cats, who snag fish with their hook-like claws, and powerful monitor lizards, who wait in the shallows to swallow a fallen chick or egg. Downstream, in Kaziranga, is a land of the giants. Elephants, rhinos, giant water buffalo, and tigers have all found a refuge in this lush grassland. Finally, where the Ganges empties into the sea, LAND OF THE TIGER takes viewers into the Sundarbans, a massive mangrove swamp inhabited by tigers that swim and fish that walk across land. The tigers may take no notice of the tiny mudskippers, fish that can wiggle across the tidal flats at low water in search of a sheltering pool. But the big cats pay plenty of attention to the deer and other prey that inhabit the tangled vegetation.
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