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What is Oishii Gohan about?
Set in a rice shop in Kanagawa. Oishii Gohan is a home comedy about Kasugai Ryuhei an elderly man who runs a rice shop. His daughter and eldest son ends up working at his shop when they find out about his illness.
Season 1 of Oishii Gohan
Episode 1: First Winds of Spring croquettes
Episode 2: Vegetable soup and Sindbad by the Seashore
Episode 3: The Blue Lagoon and matsutake rice
Episode 4: Brother-and-sister Ricefish sushi wraps
Episode 5: Make it curry then, If That's What You Want!
Episode 6: Thank You Again, Midnight Fog and pickled vegetables
Episode 7: As the River of pot stickers Flows
Episode 8: Sukiyaki and A Good Day to Leave
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