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Actors: Cristina Ionescu,Mihai Alexandre Tudose,Violeta 'Macarena' Rosu,Ana Turturica,Marian Turturica,Alexandru Beschina,Florin Ionut Calciu,Adrian Chiru,Romulus Cristescu,Ilie Fonfonile,Doru Grigore,Anca Hotnog,Claudia Luca,Angela Preda,Adrian Susanu
Year: 2001
Imdb: click here

"Focused on the lives of five Romanian children –Cristina, an orphan who led a band of children living in a subway station, and who grew up and survived passing as a boy; the charming boy Mihai, who loves poetry, wants education and who has run away from an abusive father; Macarena, perhaps the most dramatic of all, a drug addict who had not even realized she had a mother; and Ana and her brother Marian, who left behind their town and the extreme poverty at home, only to find worst conditions in the streets-, "Children Underground" shows how the Romanian government has yet to find a way to deal with these children, who after a month or so in the street are difficult to rehabilitate"

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