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Watch O Diabo a Quatro online

Where to watch O Diabo a Quatro

Actors: Marcelo Faria,Maria Flor,Márcio Libar,Netinho Alves,Jonathan Haagensen,Sérgio Machado,Maria Sílvia,Zezeh Barbosa,Chris Couto,Leila Indiana,Marília Gabriela,Ney Latorraca,Ana Beatriz Nogueira,Evandro Mesquita,Bernardo Barreto
Year: 2005
Imdb: click here

"" suffers from the "first film" syndrome: it's overcrowded with too many characters (there are at least 7 or 8 secondary important characters with their own back stories), situations and story-lines, and the fact that there are SEVEN (!!!) writers surely adds to the messy results"

O Diabo a Quatro trailer

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