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Watch Death Carries a Cane online

Where to watch Death Carries a Cane

Actors: Robert Hoffmann,Nieves Navarro,George Martin,Anuska Borova,Serafino Profumo,Simón Andreu,Anna Liberati,Rosita Torosh,Cristina Tamborra,Nerina Montagnani,Orlando Baralla,Gianni Pulone,Salvatore Borghese,Rodolfo Lolli,Carlo Carli
Year: 1973
Imdb: click here

" In the following days even the newspapers have no account of any murder, the police don't seem to have interest until they finally discover the body of the victim and then when some of the witnesses who seen the killer flee, are brutally slain, the police devoid of any leads and led by Inspector Merughi call in the limping Alberto as they believe the killer is a cripple with a cane, Alberto's name is released to the press and soon even Kitty begins to suspect Alberto"

Death Carries a Cane trailer

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