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Watch Boogie (Boogie, el aceitoso) online

Where to watch Boogie (Boogie, el aceitoso)

Actors: Pablo Echarri,Nancy Dupláa,Nicolás Frías,Marcelo Armand,Rufino Gallo,Diego Brizzi,Ricardo Alanis,Luciana Falcón,Karin Zavala,Hernán Chiozza,Mariano Chiesa,Ariel Císter,Ariel Tarico,José Luis Perticarini,Livia Fernán
Year: 2009
Imdb: click here

"As a film though, Boogie is pretty ordinary, especially when you swiftly realise that the extreme violence and reprehensible nature of the lead character are supposed to be the entertainment"

Boogie (Boogie, el aceitoso) trailer

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