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Watch The Signal (Señal, La) online

Where to watch The Signal (Señal, La)

Actors: Ricardo Darín,Diego Peretti,Julieta Díaz,Andrea Pietra,Vando Villamil,Carlos Bardem,Luciano Cáceres,Georgina Rey,Walter Santa Ana,Martin Slipak,Luis Solanas
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

"The film is basically what we all know form a Noir film: a depressed and decadent detective which nevertheless shows great aptitude for the work; the lady in troubles, rich and mysterious that always seems to be hiding more than what she says, the always loyal and always more optimistic companion and of course "The Mafia," but what I say! If even the junior assistant who handled the car and reveals the photographs appears, well I have seen this on every film of this kind, no surprises here nor will be ahead in the movie"

The Signal (Señal, La) trailer

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