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Watch Partners in Crime (Associés contre le crime...) online

Where to watch Partners in Crime (Associés contre le crime...)

Actors: André Dussollier,Catherine Frot,Linh Dan Pham,Nicolas Marié,Agathe de La Boulaye,Éric Naggar,Bernard Verley,Hervé Pierre,Sarah Biasini,François Bettens,Julos Beaucarne,Caroline Pigozzi,Jean-Jacques Lefrère,Georges Chappuis,Alexandre Lafaurie
Year: 2012
Imdb: click here

" But I've never really had a problem with Christie adaptations that are far removed from the original text; I do have a problem with Christie adaptations that lack any sort of urgency, which "Partners In Crime" is guilty of"

Partners in Crime (Associés contre le crime...) trailer

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