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Watch The Soul of Bread (Ai de mian bao hun) online

Where to watch The Soul of Bread (Ai de mian bao hun)

Actors: Han Dian Chen,Michelle Chen,Ying-Chieh Chen,Yan-xi Hou,Rex Kao,Lia Hsiang-Lin Lee,Anthony Neely,Janel Tsai,Wan Wan
Year: 2012
Imdb: click here

" The filmmakers went for the jugular to expand the storyline beyond the romantic triangle, such as introducing another budding romance potential between Ping's brother and the neighbourhood policewoman, that didn't get flesh out thoroughly, and another wasted opportunity was the hilarious dream sequences that Gao Bing will lapse into each time he tastes something that provides an inspiration, leading to ensemble song and dance moments that were top notch in choreography and slapstick"

The Soul of Bread (Ai de mian bao hun) trailer

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