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Watch Greater Promise, A (Iskateli Schastya) online

Where to watch Greater Promise, A (Iskateli Schastya)

Actors: Venyamin Zuskin,Mariya Blyumental-Tamarina,S.K. Yarof,L.A. Shmidt,A.M. Karef,Nikolai Valyano,L.M. Taits,Iona Bij-Brodsky,Boris Zhukovsky
Year: 1936
Imdb: click here

"This early Soviet propagandist melodrama was designed to lure hopeful Jewish emigrants to the remote, bug-infested Siberian swampland of Birobidjan, by promising wealth, prosperity, an autonomy which never came to be, and (yes) even romance! The hardy pioneers arrive singing in the Soviet Far East, finding an untamed but idyllic paradise where streams are filled with fish, forests are filled with game, and the air is filled with song! Sure, conditions are rough at first (notice there are no chilly scenes of Siberian winter), but through diligent application of collective methods ("If you want to have a fine life: work!") the plucky settlers soon discover Socialist dreams do come true! It's all totally ridiculous, of course, which at least gives the film a measure of camp entertainment value when seen today"

Greater Promise, A (Iskateli Schastya) trailer

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