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Watch Warsaw Bridge (Pont de Varsòvia) online

Where to watch Warsaw Bridge (Pont de Varsòvia)

Actors: Carme Elias,Francisco Guijar,Jordi Dauder,Josep Maria Pou,Ona Planas,Francesc Orella,Pep Ferrer,Jaume Comas,La Fura dels Baus,Ricard Borràs,Joaquín Llovet,Ferran Rañé,Joan Miralles,Joan Lluís Bozzo,Miquel Horta
Year: 1990
Imdb: click here

" Again the journalist provides a very loose thread appearing in conversations in between the meat of the movie which are these absurd yet deeply affecting scenes of seemingly random and absurd things"

Warsaw Bridge (Pont de Varsòvia) trailer

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