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Watch The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) online

Where to watch The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu)

Actors: Nicolae Ceausescu,Elena Ceausescu,Stefan Andrei,Gheorghe Apostol,Ana Aslan,Ion Avram,Iosif Banc,Eugen Barbu,Elena Barbulescu,Lica Barbulescu,Alexandru Barladeanu,Ion Birlea,Emil Bobu,Emil Bodnaras,Leonid Brezhnev
Year: 2010
Imdb: click here

"In between all these moments, you've got Ceausescu delving into sheer silliness - with the cherry on top being his speech on how Romania will only return to capitalism when "pigs fly", then joking on the advances of genetics only to realize this is not quite the right thing to say and reinforcing the initial statement with raised pitch and ample gesticulation"

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) trailer

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