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Watch Lies (Gojitmal) online

Where to watch Lies (Gojitmal)

Actors: Sang Hyun Lee,Tae Yeon Kim,Hyun Joo Choi,Kwon Taek Han,Hyuk Poong Kwon,Myung Keum Jung,Min Soo Shin,Young Sun Cho,Mi Kyung Ahn,Kum Ja Yeom,Boo Ho Choi,Hye Won Goh,Chui Jin Kwak,Jin-ho Lee,Jae Sup Jun
Year: 1999
Imdb: click here

""Lies" tells about an affair between an 18 year old bucktoothed female student and a scrawny 38 year old married man with the pair of protags spending about half the screen time engaged in naked sex and hokey whipping and the other half meandering through the pathetically naive storyline which seems little more than an excuse for the sex scenes"

Lies (Gojitmal) trailer

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